Configuring The 'Grid View' For You And Your Players In Play-Based Sports

Configuring The 'Grid View' For You And Your Players In Play-Based Sports

You can customize which tags are visible in your grid and which show on your video overlay. You can also customize which tag columns your players can see (to focus the attention of your team's different units).  Best of all, you can 'stockpile' templates of Grids and switch between them while watching your footage.

If you need help creating custom tags for your play-based sport, please see this article here. (FIX LINK)

Setting a Custom Grid View

To set a custom Grid View, first click into your 'SETTINGS' application:
At the upper left corner of the page, click on the 'Configure Grid' tab.  
If you have no previously created Grids, you can add your first by clicking on the 'Add Grid Configuration' button. 

(If you HAVE previously created Grids, a list of them will be presented on this page, and you can add new Grids by clicking on the '+' button in the upper left corner of the screen.)

Set a name for your Grid Configuration:
Pressing the 'Configure Grid' button that corresponds to a selected Grid will allow you to create or edit that Grid Configuration.

You can also edit the name or delete a Grid by clicking on the 'actions' dropdown (the small box with the upside down triangle in it) to the far right of the Grid title, and choosing either option.

You can add a new Grid by clicking on the '+' button in the upper left corner of the screen.
When you press 'Configure Grid', you can set the tags (and the order of those tags) that you wish to have displayed in your video player.  

By default, the 'Your Grid' box is empty which means that only the system tags associated with your playclips will show on your Grid.  If you have created any custom tags and want them to display alongside our system tags, you would need to add them to your grid configuration here.  
Simply drag and drop the tags you wish to see in your grid from the 'Available Tags' column on the left side of the box, over to the 'Your Grid' section on the right side of the box (you can use the 'search' box to quickly locate any tags you're looking for).  

In the 'Available Tags' section, the 'System Tags' are listed first, and any 'Custom Tags' you have created are listed below them.  You will have to choose all the tags (system AND custom) that you want to have displayed in your grid view.  

Once you have populated your 'Your Grid' list with all the tags you wish to see, you can drag and drop them into the order you wish to have them displayed:
Check the 'In Overlay?' box if you want your selected tags to show on the video overlay at the top of the screen while you're viewing your match.  

You can also choose how wide the columns will be in your grid by clicking into the 'Column Width (pixels)' box(es).  (By default, the columns are 75 pixels wide).

You can remove tags from the 'Your Grid' box by clicking on them and hitting the 'Remove Tag' button.

Be sure to click 'Save & Close' when you are finished.

Setting a Default Grid View

Setting your default Grid View will assure your Grid View of choice will display initially in every game.  Press the 'Set Default' button to get started...
...then choose the Grid View you want from the list of all available Views:

Press  Screen_Shot_2018-05-01_at_5.06.56_PM.png and you're all set.

Switching Between Grid Views In Your Games

When you're watching a game, simply click on the box displaying the active Grid View and choose another from the dropdown list:

Customizing Grid View for Athletes

To customize the grid view of your Athletes, go to your 'ROSTERS'.
You can set a default Grid View for your athletes.  You can do so individually or en masse by selecting players (clicking in the checkbox to the left of their names) and clicking on the 'Actions' button on the far right side of the main header.  Select the 'Update Grid Config' option.
Choose the Grid View you want that athlete(s) to have from the dropdown box.

Press Screen_Shot_2018-05-01_at_5.06.56_PM.png and you're good to go.

THE NEXT STEP...: to assign attributes to the tags in your customized 'Grid View'.  Please see our help article on this topic here. (FIX LINK)

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